Self-Improvement ideas for you- Decor Inspiration - Decoholic Best Interior Design Ideas and Tips Thu, 29 Jun 2023 18:14:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Self-Improvement ideas for you- Decor Inspiration - Decoholic 32 32 34176808 What Does Happiness Mean? A Deep Dive into Defining Joy Thu, 29 Jun 2023 18:10:45 +0000 From a universal standpoint, everyone seeks happiness. However, the concept of what constitutes happiness can be incredibly diverse, varying from one person to another. This article aims to delve into the multifaceted nature of happiness, exploring its various definitions, signs, types, and how to cultivate it. 1. Understanding the Concept of Happiness Happiness is a […]

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From a universal standpoint, everyone seeks happiness. However, the concept of what constitutes happiness can be incredibly diverse, varying from one person to another. This article aims to delve into the multifaceted nature of happiness, exploring its various definitions, signs, types, and how to cultivate it.

1. Understanding the Concept of Happiness

Happiness is a complex emotional state characterized by feelings of joy, satisfaction, contentment, and fulfillment. It’s defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as “the state of being happy,” which is a somewhat circular explanation. A more insightful definition describes happiness as a state that involves “feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.”

This definition suggests that happiness is a state rather than a trait, meaning it’s not a permanent feature of an individual’s personality but a fluctuating state of being. Moreover, happiness can manifest both internally and externally, indicating that it’s not exclusively an internal or external experience but can be both.

2. The Subjective Well-being Perspective

In the realm of psychology, happiness often goes by another name: ‘subjective well-being’. This term refers to a person’s overall personal feelings about their life in the present. Subjective well-being comprises two key components:

  • The Balance of Emotions: Everyone experiences a mix of positive and negative emotions. Happiness is generally linked to experiencing more positive emotions than negative ones.
  • Life Satisfaction: This refers to how content you are with different areas of your life, including your relationships, work, achievements, and other areas you deem important.

Subjective well-being is not just about fleeting positive emotions; it also encompasses a person’s overall satisfaction with life and a sense of fulfillment.

3. Happiness According to Aristotle

Ancient philosopher Aristotle proposed a profound definition of happiness. He suggested that happiness is the ultimate human desire, and all other human desires serve as a means to obtain happiness. According to Aristotle, there are four levels of happiness, namely, happiness from immediate gratification, comparison and achievement, making positive contributions, and achieving fulfillment.

Aristotle believed that happiness could be achieved through the golden mean, which involves finding a balance between deficiency and excess.

4. Recognizing the Signs of Happiness

While perceptions of happiness can vary from person to person, there are key signs that psychologists look for when assessing happiness. These include feeling satisfied with life, experiencing more positive emotions than negative ones, having healthy relationships, feeling accomplished, practicing self-care, experiencing gratitude, and having a sense of meaning and purpose in life.

5. Different Types of Happiness

Happiness can be conceptualized in various ways. Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle distinguished between two types of happiness: hedonia and eudaimonia.

  • Hedonia: This form of happiness is derived from pleasure and is often associated with self-care, fulfilling desires, experiencing enjoyment, and feeling satisfied.
  • Eudaimonia: This type of happiness is derived from seeking virtue and meaning. It’s closely associated with fulfilling responsibilities, investing in long-term goals, concern for others’ welfare, and living up to personal ideals.

In modern psychological terms, these two types of happiness are often referred to as pleasure and meaning, respectively.

6. The Role of Positive Psychology in Understanding Happiness

Positive psychology, a branch of psychology that focuses on the positive aspects of human experience, plays a significant role in understanding happiness. This field of study is primarily concerned with finding ways to help individuals, communities, and societies improve their positive emotions and achieve greater happiness.

7. Pursuing Happiness: How to Cultivate It

While some people seem to be naturally happier, there are steps one can take to cultivate a sense of happiness. These include pursuing intrinsic goals, practicing mindfulness, reframing negative thoughts, cultivating strong relationships, engaging in regular physical exercise, practicing gratitude, and finding a sense of purpose.

8. The Impact of Happiness on our Lives

Happiness has been shown to predict positive outcomes in various areas of life, including mental well-being, physical health, and overall longevity. Happy people tend to have stronger coping skills, better health, and longevity. They are also more likely to engage in healthy behaviors and have a positive state of well-being.

9. Happiness: A Historical Perspective

The concept of happiness has been recognized as a critical part of health and well-being for centuries. The “pursuit of happiness” is even deemed an inalienable right in the U.S. Declaration of Independence. The understanding of what brings happiness, however, has evolved over time.

10. Concluding Thoughts: What Does Happiness Mean to You?

Happiness is a broad term that means different things to different people. Rather than viewing happiness as an endpoint, it can be more helpful to consider what happiness truly means to you and then work on small things that will help you become happier.

In conclusion, while the question “What does happiness mean?” might seem simple, it is, in fact, a complex query with a multifaceted answer. It’s a dynamic state of being that involves an array of emotions and life experiences. Understanding and pursuing happiness can lead to a more fulfilling and content life.

Remember, the journey to happiness is a personal one, and what brings joy and contentment to one person might not bring the same to another. So, strive to understand what happiness means to you, and let that guide your journey to a more fulfilled life.

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The Art of Building Good Habits: Unlocking Your Potential for Success and Happiness Sun, 25 Jun 2023 19:03:19 +0000 In our quest for success and happiness, we often overlook the power of habits. Habits shape our lives, influencing our attitudes, actions, and decision-making abilities. Whether they are healthy or unhealthy, habits have a profound impact on every aspect of our lives. However, forming positive habits is not always easy. In this article, we will […]

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bathroom home spa

In our quest for success and happiness, we often overlook the power of habits. Habits shape our lives, influencing our attitudes, actions, and decision-making abilities. Whether they are healthy or unhealthy, habits have a profound impact on every aspect of our lives. However, forming positive habits is not always easy. In this article, we will explore the science behind habits, understand how they are formed, and discover the art of building good habits. By the end, you will have the knowledge and tools to set yourself up for success and effectively form new, better habits.

Image: Tatiana Home decor

Understanding Habits: What They Are and How They’re Formed

A habit is a tendency to do something, either harmful or health-promoting. It is a behavior that becomes automatic through repetition and reinforcement. Our brains are wired to seek rewards, and habits are driven by reward-seeking mechanisms in the brain. When a habit is formed, it becomes ingrained in our neural pathways, making it easier for us to perform the behavior without conscious effort.

The Structure of Habits

All habits can be broken down into three fundamental components: the cue or trigger, the action, and the reward. The cue is the part of the habit loop that triggers us to take action. It can be an internal or external stimulus that prompts the behavior. The action is the behavior itself, whether it is a positive or negative action. Finally, the reward is the positive reinforcement our brain receives for engaging in the behavior.

Overcoming the Challenges of Habit Adoption

Adopting new habits can be challenging for several reasons. One common obstacle is a lack of understanding of how habits are structured and how to leverage that structure to our advantage. By recognizing the cue, action, and reward components, we can consciously design and modify our habits. Another challenge is attempting to do too much too soon, which sets us up for failure. It is important to start small and gradually build momentum to increase the chances of long-term success.

Mistakes to Avoid When Building Good Habits

When embarking on the journey of building good habits, it is crucial to be aware of common mistakes that can hinder our progress. By avoiding these pitfalls, we can increase our chances of successfully forming and maintaining positive habits.

Mistake 1: Setting Unrealistic Expectations

One common mistake is setting unrealistic expectations for ourselves. We often expect immediate results or try to make drastic changes overnight. However, habits take time to develop, and it is essential to set realistic goals and be patient with ourselves.

Mistake 2: Lack of Consistency

Consistency is key when it comes to building habits. Many people start strong but struggle to maintain consistency over time. To overcome this, it is crucial to create a routine and stick to it. Consistency reinforces the habit loop and makes it easier for the behavior to become automatic.

Mistake 3: Neglecting the Power of Environment

Our environment plays a significant role in shaping our habits. If we surround ourselves with triggers and temptations that go against our desired habits, it becomes challenging to stay on track. Creating an environment that supports our goals can greatly enhance our chances of success.

Mistake 4: Focusing on Willpower Alone

Relying solely on willpower to build habits is a recipe for failure. Willpower is a finite resource that can be depleted throughout the day. Instead, it is more effective to design our environment and routines to minimize the need for constant self-control.

Strategies for Building Good Habits

Now that we understand the challenges and mistakes to avoid, let’s explore practical strategies for building good habits. These strategies will empower you to take control of your habits and unlock your potential for success and happiness.

Strategy 1: Start Small and Be Specific

When starting a new habit, it is crucial to begin with small, manageable actions. By breaking down a larger goal into smaller, achievable steps, we increase our chances of success. Additionally, being specific about the habit we want to adopt helps us stay focused and motivated.

Strategy 2: Harness the Power of Habit Stacking

Habit stacking is a technique that involves attaching a new habit to an existing one. By linking the new behavior to an established routine, we leverage our existing habits as triggers for the new behavior. This strategy makes it easier to remember and perform the desired action consistently.

Strategy 3: Utilize Positive Reinforcement

Rewarding ourselves for engaging in the desired behavior is a powerful way to reinforce habits. Positive reinforcement can take various forms, such as treating yourself to something enjoyable or celebrating small milestones along the way. By associating the habit with positive emotions, we strengthen the habit loop and increase motivation.

Strategy 4: Create Accountability

Accountability can significantly impact our ability to build and maintain habits. Sharing our goals and progress with others, whether it’s a friend, family member, or a support group, creates a sense of responsibility and increases our commitment to the habit. Additionally, tracking our progress through journaling or using habit-tracking apps can provide visual reminders and motivate us to stay on track.

Strategy 5: Make it Enjoyable

Building good habits doesn’t have to be a chore. Finding ways to make the habit enjoyable can increase our motivation and make it easier to stick with the behavior. Whether it’s incorporating music, gamifying the habit, or finding a social aspect to it, making the habit fun and enjoyable enhances our likelihood of success.

Strategy 6: Overcome Setbacks with Resilience

It is important to acknowledge that setbacks and challenges are a natural part of habit-building. Instead of giving up when faced with obstacles, cultivating resilience allows us to bounce back and continue on our journey. Embracing setbacks as learning opportunities and adjusting our approach when needed ensures long-term habit success.


Building good habits is a transformative process that empowers us to shape our lives for the better. By understanding the science behind habits, avoiding common mistakes, and implementing effective strategies, we can unlock our potential for success and happiness. Remember, habits are not formed overnight, but with consistency, patience, and a positive mindset, you can build the habits that will propel you towards your goals. Embrace the art of building good habits, and watch as your life transforms one positive behavior at a time.

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The Art of Being Nobody but Yourself: Embracing Authenticity in a World of Conformity Mon, 12 Jun 2023 18:29:49 +0000 In today’s fast-paced, competitive, and constantly changing world, the pressure to conform and be like everyone else is immense. However, the journey to embracing our authentic selves and living a life true to who we are is both essential and empowering. This article delves into the importance of being nobody but yourself, drawing inspiration from […]

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Being nobody but yourself

In today’s fast-paced, competitive, and constantly changing world, the pressure to conform and be like everyone else is immense. However, the journey to embracing our authentic selves and living a life true to who we are is both essential and empowering. This article delves into the importance of being nobody but yourself, drawing inspiration from the wisdom of renowned poet E.E. Cummings and other insightful sources. With the primary keyword being nobody but yourself and secondary keywords authenticity, individuality, self-expression, courage, and personal growth, let us embark on a journey to understand the true meaning of living an authentic life.

The Wisdom of E.E. Cummings

Edward Estlin Cummings, often referred to as e.e. cummings, was an American poet, painter, essayist, and playwright known for his unconventional style and unique perspectives. He believed that being true to oneself is the most challenging yet rewarding battle that any human being can fight. Cummings encouraged others to embrace their individuality and express their feelings through their art, asserting that feeling is the essence of poetry and authentic self-expression.

The Courage to Be Yourself

Cummings’ famous quote, “To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting,” highlights the courage it takes to be true to oneself in a world that often seeks conformity. This courage involves embracing our uniqueness, our strengths, and our weaknesses, and resisting societal pressures to fit into predetermined molds.

The Power of Feeling

Cummings emphasized the importance of feeling in self-expression, asserting that poetry is feeling, not knowing or believing or thinking. He believed that no one can be taught to feel, as feeling is an innate and deeply personal experience that makes us who we are. In a world that often prioritizes intellect and conformity, embracing our feelings and emotions can help us forge a genuine connection with ourselves and others.

The Importance of Authenticity

Authenticity is the quality of being genuine, true, and honest with oneself and others. It involves understanding and accepting our true selves, including our desires, emotions, values, and beliefs. Living an authentic life has numerous benefits, including increased self-esteem, better relationships, and a greater sense of fulfillment and purpose.

Embracing Individuality

Being nobody but yourself means embracing your individuality and valuing your unique qualities, talents, and perspectives. It involves recognizing that no one else can truly understand or experience your feelings, thoughts, and emotions, and that these elements are integral to your identity and self-expression.

Cultivating Self-Awareness

Developing self-awareness is essential to living an authentic life. This involves reflecting on our experiences, emotions, beliefs, and values, and understanding how they influence our actions and decisions. By cultivating self-awareness, we can better align our actions with our true selves and live a life that is true to who we are.

The Role of Courage in Authenticity

Living an authentic life requires courage, as it often involves facing our fears, insecurities, and uncertainties. It may mean standing up for our beliefs and values, even in the face of criticism or rejection. By embracing courage, we can overcome the obstacles that may stand in our way and live a life that is true to who we are.

Overcoming Fear

Fear can be a significant barrier to authenticity, as it often prevents us from taking risks, embracing change, and pursuing our passions. By acknowledging and confronting our fears, we can develop the courage to overcome them and live a life that is true to who we are.

The Power of Vulnerability

Vulnerability is the willingness to be open, honest, and emotionally exposed, even when it feels uncomfortable or risky. By embracing vulnerability, we can build deeper connections with ourselves and others, and create a safe space for authentic self-expression.

Personal Growth and Authenticity

Personal growth is the process of developing and improving ourselves, both internally and externally. By embracing authenticity and being nobody but yourself, you can facilitate personal growth and become the best version of yourself possible.

Embracing Change and Growth

Change is an inevitable part of life, and personal growth often involves adapting to new situations, challenges, and opportunities. By embracing change and being open to growth, we can learn from our experiences, develop new skills and insights, and become more resilient and adaptable individuals.

Pursuing Passion and Purpose

Living an authentic life means pursuing our passions and finding purpose in what we do. By aligning our actions with our true desires and values, we can experience greater fulfillment, satisfaction, and meaning in our lives.

being yourself


Being nobody but yourself is an empowering and transformative journey that involves embracing authenticity, individuality, courage, and personal growth. By drawing inspiration from the wisdom of E.E. Cummings and other insightful sources, we can cultivate the courage to be ourselves, embrace our feelings and emotions, and live a life that is true to who we are. In doing so, we can experience the profound joy and fulfillment that comes from living an authentic life and being nobody but ourselves.

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Empower and Celebrate: How to Make the Most of International Women’s Day Wed, 08 Mar 2023 08:32:27 +0000 As a woman, I am proud to celebrate International Women’s Day. This special day, observed annually on March 8th, is a time to recognize and honor the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. It is a day to celebrate women’s progress, raise awareness about gender equality, and inspire future generations of women. In […]

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As a woman, I am proud to celebrate International Women’s Day. This special day, observed annually on March 8th, is a time to recognize and honor the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. It is a day to celebrate women’s progress, raise awareness about gender equality, and inspire future generations of women. In this post, I will share with you the history of International Women’s Day, why it is important to celebrate, and how you can make the most of this day to empower and celebrate women.

The history of International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day has a rich history that dates back to the early 1900s. The first National Women’s Day was observed in the United States on February 28, 1909, in honor of the 1908 garment workers’ strike in New York, where women protested against poor working conditions and low wages. In 1910, at the International Socialist Women’s Conference, Clara Zetkin, a German activist, proposed the idea of establishing an International Women’s Day to promote women’s rights and suffrage. The proposal was unanimously adopted, and the first International Women’s Day was celebrated on March 19, 1911, in Austria, Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland.

Since then, International Women’s Day has been observed worldwide, and each year has a specific theme. The theme for 2023 is “Embrace Equity,” the aim of the theme is to get the world talking about Why equal opportunities aren’t enough

Achieving Your Dreams at Any Age

FOPO or Fear Of Other People’s Opinions

You Are Your Home Take Care Of Yourself

The importance of celebrating International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day is an essential day to recognize and celebrate women’s achievements and progress. It is a day to raise awareness about the challenges that women still face and to inspire action to promote gender equality. Celebrating International Women’s Day is also a way to acknowledge the contributions that women make to society and to highlight the need for more women in leadership positions.

By celebrating International Women’s Day, we can create a more inclusive world where all women have equal opportunities to succeed. It is also an opportunity to celebrate the diversity of women and their cultures and to recognize the intersectionality of gender with other aspects of identity, such as race, ethnicity, sexuality, and ability.

Ideas for celebrating

There are many ways to celebrate International Women’s Day, from positive memes to community events. Here are some ideas to help you make the most of this day:

  1. Share positive memes and quotes on social media that celebrate women’s achievements and inspire action for gender equality.
  2. Attend community events that celebrate women’s achievements, such as art exhibitions, film screenings, and panel discussions.
  3. Organize a woman day program at your workplace that includes guest speakers, workshops, and networking opportunities.
  4. Host a fundraiser for a local women’s organization that supports women’s rights and empowerment.
  5. Volunteer your time at a women’s shelter or organization that provides services to women in need.

How to create a successful International Women’s Day program

If you want to create a successful International Women’s Day program, here are some tips to help you get started:

  1. Choose a theme that aligns with the International Women’s Day theme and resonates with your audience.
  2. Identify your target audience and tailor your program to meet their needs and interests.
  3. Invite diverse and inspiring speakers who can share their experiences and insights on gender equality.
  4. Include interactive workshops and activities that engage your audience and promote learning and networking.
  5. Promote your program widely through social media, email, and other marketing channels to attract a diverse and engaged audience.

International Women’s Day activities for the workplace

International Women’s Day is an excellent opportunity to celebrate women’s achievements and promote gender equality in the workplace. Here are some activities that you can organize at your workplace:

  1. Host a panel discussion featuring successful women in leadership positions and their experiences in overcoming gender barriers.
  2. Organize a mentoring program that pairs women employees with senior leaders to provide career guidance and support.
  3. Conduct a salary audit to ensure that women and men are paid equally for the same work and responsibilities.
  4. Offer training and development programs that promote gender equality and diversity and inclusion.
  5. Celebrate the day by hosting a lunch or happy hour and inviting women employees to share their experiences and celebrate their achievements.

Events for schools and universities

International Women’s Day is an excellent opportunity to educate and inspire the next generation of women leaders. Here are some events that you can organize at schools and universities:

  1. Host a career fair featuring successful women in various fields, such as science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).
  2. Invite local women leaders to speak about their experiences in overcoming gender barriers and achieving success.
  3. Organize a workshop on gender equality and diversity and inclusion, where students can learn about the importance of these issues and how to promote them in their future careers.
  4. Host a film screening and discussion of a movie that promotes women’s rights and empowerment.
  5. Celebrate the day by organizing a talent show or cultural event that highlights the diversity of women’s cultures and achievements.

Campaigns and initiatives

International Women’s Day is also an opportunity to support global campaigns and initiatives that promote gender equality and women’s rights. Here are some campaigns that you can support:

ChooseToChallenge – a campaign that encourages individuals to challenge gender bias and inequality and create a more inclusive world.

  1. HeForShe – a campaign that engages men and boys in promoting gender equality and women’s rights.

MeToo – a movement that raises awareness about sexual harassment and assault and promotes a culture of consent and respect.

  1. Girls Not Brides – an initiative that aims to end child marriage and promote girls’ education and empowerment.
  2. UN Women – an organization that works to promote gender equality and women’s rights worldwide.

Empowering women

International Women’s Day is an opportunity to celebrate women’s achievements and promote gender equality, but we must continue to work towards these goals beyond this day. As women, we must support and empower each other, advocate for our rights, and encourage future generations of women to reach their full potential. We must also hold our leaders accountable for promoting gender equality and creating a more inclusive world.

Conclusion – why celebrating International Women’s Day matters

Celebrating International Women’s Day is essential to recognize and honor the achievements of women, raise awareness about gender equality, and inspire action for change. It is an opportunity to celebrate the diversity of women and their cultures and to recognize the intersectionality of gender with other aspects of identity. By celebrating International Women’s Day, we can create a more inclusive world where all women have equal opportunities to succeed. So, let’s celebrate and empower women every day, not just on March 8th.

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Harnessing the Power of Optimism: Unlocking the Joy of Making the Most of What You Have Mon, 06 Feb 2023 18:11:36 +0000 We all have days when things don’t turn out the way we had hoped or when we feel like we’re stuck in a rut. It can be easy to give in to negative thoughts and emotions, but if we take the time to focus on the positive, we can unlock a world of joy and […]

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We all have days when things don’t turn out the way we had hoped or when we feel like we’re stuck in a rut. It can be easy to give in to negative thoughts and emotions, but if we take the time to focus on the positive, we can unlock a world of joy and satisfaction. In this blog article, we’ll explore the power of optimism and discuss how to unlock the joy of making the most of what you have.

Image: @hamburgdaniahoi

What is Optimism?

Optimism is the belief that good things will happen and that everything will turn out alright in the end. It’s the opposite of pessimism, or the belief that everything will turn out badly. An optimistic outlook can help us to stay positive in difficult circumstances and to make the most of our lives. It can also help us to find joy in the little things and to appreciate the good in our lives.

Optimism isn’t just a way of thinking; it’s also a way of living. It’s about being proactive and taking steps to make things better. It’s about expecting the best and being willing to take risks in order to reach our goals. It’s about not giving up and believing that with hard work and dedication, we can achieve our dreams.

The Benefits of Optimism

Optimism has many benefits. It can help us to stay motivated and to stay focused on our goals. It can help us to be more resilient in the face of adversity and to bounce back from setbacks. It can also help us to stay positive and to look on the bright side of things.

Optimism can also have a positive impact on our mental and physical health. Studies have shown that optimistic people tend to have lower levels of stress and anxiety and are better able to cope with difficult situations. They are also less likely to suffer from depression, and they have a greater sense of well-being.

Optimism can also help us to build strong relationships with others. Optimistic people are often seen as more likable and more fun to be around. They are more likely to attract people to them and to foster meaningful connections.

How to Cultivate Optimism

Cultivating optimism can be difficult, especially when we’re feeling down or overwhelmed. But there are some simple steps we can take to start building an optimistic outlook.

The first step is to be mindful of our thoughts and emotions. When we catch ourselves engaging in negative self-talk or ruminating on negative thoughts, we can take a moment to pause and reframe our thinking. We can remind ourselves that things may not be as bad as they seem and that there is always hope for a better tomorrow.

The second step is to practice gratitude. We can take time each day to reflect on the things we are thankful for. This can help us to stay positive and to appreciate the good in our lives.

The third step is to focus on the present. We can make an effort to stay in the moment and to appreciate what we have now. This can help us to find joy in the little things and to savor life’s special moments.

The fourth step is to take action. Instead of letting our dreams and goals remain in the realm of possibility, we can take steps to make them a reality. We can start with small steps and keep moving forward until we reach our destination.

Optimism and Self-Care

Optimism and self-care go hand in hand. When we’re feeling overwhelmed or down, it’s important to take care of ourselves. We can do this by taking time out to meditate and relax, by getting enough sleep, and by eating a healthy diet. We can also make an effort to engage in activities that bring us joy, such as reading, listening to music, or spending time with friends and family.

It’s also important to recognize that we can’t always control our circumstances. We can’t always make things turn out the way we want, but we can choose to make the best of our situation. We can choose to find joy and contentment in the present moment and to take steps to make our lives better.

The Power of Positive Thinking

Positive thinking plays an important role in cultivating optimism. When we engage in positive thinking, we focus on what’s good and on what’s possible. We focus on the present and on the future, rather than dwelling on the past. We also speak kindly to ourselves and to others and focus on solutions rather than problems.

Positive thinking can help us to stay motivated and to stay focused on our goals. It can also help us to be more resilient in the face of adversity. It can help us to find joy in the little things and to appreciate the good in our lives.

The Benefits of Gratitude

Gratitude is another important aspect of cultivating optimism. When we practice gratitude, we take time to reflect on the things we are thankful for. This can help us to appreciate the good in our lives and to stay positive in difficult circumstances.

Gratitude can also have a positive impact on our mental and physical health. Studies have shown that people who practice gratitude tend to be happier and have a greater sense of well-being. They also tend to be more resilient and better able to cope with stress and adversity.

Unlocking the Joy of Making the Most of What You Have

Making the most of what we have is an important part of cultivating optimism. We can’t always control our circumstances, but we can choose to look on the bright side and to find joy in the little things. We can also choose to focus on what we have, rather than on what we don’t have.

When we make the most of what we have, we can find satisfaction and contentment. We can also experience a greater sense of joy and fulfillment. We can take steps to make our lives better and to achieve our goals.

How to Overcome Negative Thinking

Negative thinking can be hard to overcome, but it’s not impossible. We can start by recognizing our negative thoughts and challenging them. We can remind ourselves that things may not be as bad as they seem and that there is always hope for a better tomorrow.

We can also make an effort to focus on the present and to appreciate what we have now. We can practice gratitude and take time to reflect on the things we are thankful for. We can also take steps to make our lives better and to find joy in the little things.

Strategies for Staying Positive

Staying positive can be challenging, but there are some strategies we can use to help us stay on track. We can start by practicing mindfulness and focusing on the present. We can also practice gratitude and take time to reflect on the things we are thankful for.

We can also engage in self-care. We can take time out to relax and recharge, and we can make an effort to engage in activities that bring us joy. We can also focus on solutions rather than problems and speak kindly to ourselves and to others.


Optimism is an important part of living a fulfilling life. It can help us to stay positive in difficult circumstances and to make the most of our lives. It can also have a positive impact on our mental and physical health.

Cultivating optimism can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. We can start by being mindful of our thoughts and emotions, and by practicing gratitude. We can also focus on the present, take action, and engage in self-care.

The power of optimism is real. When we take the time to focus on the positive, we can unlock a world of joy and satisfaction. We can make the most of what we have and find contentment in the present moment. We can also stay motivated and focused on our goals and find joy and fulfillment in our lives.

So the next time you’re feeling down or overwhelmed, take a moment to focus on the positive. Make an effort to unlock the joy of making the most of what you have and to cultivate an optimistic outlook. The power of optimism is real, and it’s yours for the taking.

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Take Flight! Achieving Your Dreams at Any Age: A Quote About Goals Sat, 04 Feb 2023 16:50:54 +0000 Setting goals is one of the most powerful tools for achieving our dreams. Goals help us stay motivated, focused and on track to success. They give us something to aim for and can help us stay organized and disciplined when it comes to reaching our goals. But sometimes setting goals can be difficult, especially when […]

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Setting goals is one of the most powerful tools for achieving our dreams. Goals help us stay motivated, focused and on track to success. They give us something to aim for and can help us stay organized and disciplined when it comes to reaching our goals. But sometimes setting goals can be difficult, especially when it comes to achieving our dreams. That’s why quotes about goals can be so inspiring and encouraging. Here, we’ll explore a quote about goals and how it can help us on our journey to success.

Introduction – Goals Quote

The quote that I want to focus on is, “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” This is a great quote about goals because it emphasizes the importance of taking action and starting something, no matter how small. It shows us that we don’t have to be perfect or have all the answers before we start our journey. All we need to do is take that first step, and the rest will follow.

Benefits of Setting Goals

When it comes to achieving our dreams, setting goals can be incredibly beneficial. Goals help us stay focused and motivated and give us something to strive for. They provide us with a sense of direction and purpose and can help us stay organized and on track. Goals can also be a great way to measure our progress and celebrate our successes along the way.

Types of Goals

There are many different types of goals that we can set, ranging from personal goals to professional goals. Personal goals can include things like learning a new skill, improving a relationship, or becoming healthier. Professional goals can involve starting a business, getting a promotion, or reaching a certain level of success in your career.

No matter what type of goal you set, it’s important to make sure that it’s something that you truly care about and that you can realistically achieve. It’s also important to set goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely (SMART). This will help you stay focused and motivated and ensure that you are making progress towards your goal.

Tips for Achieving Goals

When it comes to achieving our goals, it’s important to have the right mindset and approach. Here are some tips to help you stay on track and reach your goals.

  1. Break down your goals into smaller, more manageable tasks. This will make it easier to focus on each task and keep track of your progress.
  2. Celebrate your successes, no matter how small. This will help you stay motivated and remind you why you are working towards your goal in the first place.
  3. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Sometimes having an outside perspective can help you stay focused and on track.
  4. Set realistic expectations and don’t be hard on yourself. It’s important to stay positive and be kind to yourself, even when progress isn’t as fast as expected.
  5. Track your progress and review your goals regularly. This will help you make sure you are still on track and adjust your goals as needed.

The Power of Positive Thinking

Positive thinking is essential when it comes to achieving our goals. Thinking positively can help us stay motivated and focused on our goals, even when things get tough. It can also help us stay resilient and bounce back from setbacks or failures.

It’s important to remember that the power of positive thinking is not just about thinking happy thoughts, but also about having a growth mindset and believing that anything is possible. With the right attitude and mindset, we can achieve anything, no matter how big or small.

Making a Plan to Achieve Goals

Once you’ve set your goals and have the right mindset, it’s time to make a plan to achieve them. Making a plan is essential to staying on track and making sure that you are making progress towards your goals.

When making a plan, it’s important to be specific and break down your goals into smaller, achievable tasks. It’s also important to set deadlines for each task and make sure that you are giving yourself enough time to complete them. This will help you stay organized and on track to achieving your goals.

Overcoming Fear and Self-Doubt

Fear and self-doubt are common obstacles when it comes to achieving our goals. It’s normal to feel scared or uncertain about the future, but it’s important to remember that these feelings are only temporary.

One of the best ways to overcome fear and self-doubt is to focus on the present and take things one step at a time. Remember, you don’t have to have all the answers or be perfect before you start. All you need to do is take that first step and the rest will follow.

Surrounding Yourself With Support

Another important tip when it comes to achieving your goals is to surround yourself with people who will support and encourage you. Having a supportive network of friends and family can be a great source of motivation and inspiration. It can also help to connect with like-minded people who share similar goals and dreams. This can help you stay focused and motivated and remind you that you are not alone on your journey.

Celebrating Your Successes

Celebrating your successes is essential when it comes to achieving your goals. Celebrating your successes, no matter how small, can help you stay motivated and remind you why you are working towards your goal in the first place. It can also be a great way to reward yourself for your hard work and effort.

Conclusion – Quotes About Goals

Quotes about goals can be incredibly inspiring and motivating when it comes to achieving our dreams. They can help us stay focused and remind us that anything is possible if we just take that first step. This quote about goals – “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great” – is a great reminder that we don’t have to be perfect or have all the answers before we start our journey. All we need to do is take that first step and the rest will follow.

So, if you’ve been wanting to achieve your dreams but have been feeling stuck or overwhelmed, remember this quote about goals. Take that first step and you’ll be one step closer to achieving your dreams. Create a plan, stay positive, ask for help, and surround yourself with support. With the right attitude and mindset, anything is possible.

If you’re looking for more quotes about goals to help you stay motivated, here are a few of my favorites:

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

“Don’t let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use.” – Earl Nightingale

“A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at.” – Bruce Lee

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” – Steve Jobs

“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or objects.” – Albert Einstein

No matter what your dreams are, I hope you find these quotes about goals inspiring and motivating. Remember, it’s never too late to start something new and achieve your dreams. With the right attitude and mindset, anything is possible!

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Airbnb: How You Can Help Refugees Fleeing Ukraine Mon, 07 Mar 2022 11:57:48 +0000 Many of you have been following world events and wondering what you can do to help. We want to let you know that has committed to funding and facilitating free, short-term housing for up to 100,000 refugees fleeing Ukraine. will partner with nonprofit organizations on the ground who will directly coordinate these short-term stays. Images: Apartment in […]

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Many of you have been following world events and wondering what you can do to help.

We want to let you know that has committed to funding and facilitating free, short-term housing for up to 100,000 refugees fleeing Ukraine. will partner with nonprofit organizations on the ground who will directly coordinate these short-term stays.

Images: Apartment in Kyiv, Ukraine by Alena Yudina

In the coming days, we’ll have details about ways our Host community can get involved. In the meantime, you can sign up to provide emergency housing in your area or make a donation.

The commitment to house refugees fleeing Ukraine builds on the year-round work of Recently, the nonprofit announced that it provided housing to more than 20,000 Afghan refugees. It also set a new goal of providing free, temporary housing to another 20,000 refugees from Afghanistan, Africa, the Middle East, Central and South America, and other regions.

This new effort to offer short-term housing for up to 100,000 refugees fleeing Ukraine is in addition to work over the past few years to support refugees and provide emergency accommodations to those in need.

Image: Alena Yudina

Inspired by a fellow Host

In 2012, a Host named Shell opened her home to people impacted by Hurricane Sandy. That kind gesture sparked a movement that led to Hosts on Airbnb providing free stays for people in times of need, and eventually evolved into, an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

Over the last decade, and our Host community have helped and housed tens of thousands of people, including refugees, those seeking shelter following natural disasters, and frontline workers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Last year, announced the creation of a Refugee Fund and galvanized more than 4,000 donors and Hosts offering free and discounted stays—further supporting its work with refugees and asylum seekers worldwide.


Image: Alena Yudina

Hosting with works with nonprofit partners, including the International Rescue Committee, HIAS, and Care International.

Caseworkers from these types of organizations make bookings with Hosts on behalf of refugees, and help these guests take care of other critical needs like finding healthcare, employment, and long-term accommodations. helps fund the cost of short-term stays, and all service fees are waived, so Airbnb doesn’t make any money on these stays. As a Host, you can help these funds stretch even further by offering free or discounted stays.

Answers to your frequently asked questions

How does the refugee housing program work, and who can participate?
Anyone with space available, from a private room to an entire home, can offer to temporarily house refugees through If you’re already a Host, you can opt into the program and make your listing available for free or at a discounted rate. If you’re new to Airbnb and want to host only for this cause, you can create a listing on that will be free and available only to refugee guests.

How does define “short-term housing” for refugees of the Ukraine crisis? is starting by funding and facilitating free stays of up to 14 days for refugee guests. As the situation in Ukraine evolves, will continue to stay in contact with NGOs, resettlement agencies, and government leaders to understand and help support the specific housing needs of those affected by this crisis.

What happens after refugees’ short-term housing ends? works directly with nonprofits on the ground which are responsible for booking and coordinating stays for refugee guests. These nonprofits assign a caseworker to each refugee, who supports them in settling into their new community, finding permanent housing, pursuing work or educational opportunities, and more.

Does Airbnb profit from stays?
No. Airbnb waives all of its fees for stays and never makes money from these emergency housing efforts.

Is support only available for refugees who are Ukrainian? is committed to helping people from around the world with emergency housing needs. For the specific response to the crisis in Ukraine, is working with NGO partners to provide assistance to refugees and asylum seekers fleeing Ukraine, regardless of nationality, race, or ethnicity.

Can people who have never hosted before sign up to provide housing?
Yes. Hosts can share information about with anyone who has space to share and an interest in helping to host refugees. Anyone who is interested in supporting this initiative, including by offering free or discounted stays, can get involved.

How can I connect people I know who are affected by this crisis with emergency housing support?’s nonprofit partners coordinate assistance for our refugee guests. Refugees and asylum seekers fleeing Ukraine who are in need of immediate support can get connected to available resources from the UN Refugee Agency.

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Injustice Is a Great Sin According To St. Paisios of the Holy Mountain Mon, 21 Feb 2022 14:32:46 +0000 St. Paisios of the Holy Mountain lived a life of great piety, humility, and wisdom throughout his days. He was a stern ascetic who put himself through much hardship and privation in his efforts to gain a greater understanding of life’s mysteries. The fruits of his introspection were many sublime teachings on various topics that […]

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Injustice Is a Great Sin According To St. Paisios of the Holy Mountain

St. Paisios of the Holy Mountain lived a life of great piety, humility, and wisdom throughout his days. He was a stern ascetic who put himself through much hardship and privation in his efforts to gain a greater understanding of life’s mysteries. The fruits of his introspection were many sublime teachings on various topics that affect the lives of Christians and the world at large. His words touched on prayer, spiritual life, stillness, humility, freedom, and so on.

One of his most poignant teachings was on the subject of Divine justice, Human justice, and Injustice. In this piece, we’ll delve into his thoughts regarding injustice, which he illustrated brilliantly by telling a story.

Elder Paisios Regarding Injustice

A man seeking to understand the nature of divine justice was sent by his elder to a hidden spot and told to watch the road from there. The man did as he was told and soon enough saw a rich man come along, sit at a bench and count out 100 gold coins. He then gets up to go but forgets his money-pouch behind.

A few minutes later, another man comes along, spots the pouch, and takes off with it. A poor man then comes along and sits on the bench to eat a meager piece of bread. At this point, the rich man comes back looking for his pouch and finds the poor man there. Although the poor man knows nothing of the money, the rich man doesn’t believe him and beats him savagely, killing him eventually. Even so, he doesn’t find his money on the dead man’s body.

The Nature of Divine Justice

The man watching these happenings was deeply troubled by what he had seen and asked his elder what it all meant. Why would the Lord permit such horrible injustice in the world? In answer, the elder told him that all he had witnessed had a purpose. The man who picked up the coin pouch was the rich man’s neighbor. The rich man had defrauded him of his land, and so that was God’s way of providentially righting that wrong.

The poor man who had been unjustly murdered had once committed a murder himself. In contrition, he had changed his ways and lived a righteous life. He had prayed to atone for his sin by dying a violent death. The seeming injustice that had befallen him was God’s answer to his prayers.

The rich man would live the rest of his life being tortured by the guilt of his injustice. His love of money led him to disaster, and his tortured conscience eventually led him to renounce worldly pursuits and become a monk. He had been set on the path of righteousness by the injustice he had committed.

The Nature of Injustice

Now, the point of his story was that the concept of justice and injustice varies when viewed through human eyes and those of the Lord. Divine justice might seem cruel when viewed from our point of view, but a deeper understanding of the will of God makes things abundantly clear.

According to Elder Paisios, injustice is a great sin depending on our intentions as human beings. Because we are limited in our knowledge, we should not be overly concerned with what we see happening to others or even what happens to us, as there is always meaning behind all suffering. When injustice befalls you, the suffering you will be forced to endure should be considered a gift, as it allows you to understand yourself and grow in spiritual strength.

Final Thoughts

Elder Paisios was a man of great wisdom, and his life served as a shining example for many. His teachings regarding divine justice and injustice were timely ones, coming at a time when the world experienced widespread suffering. Injustice is a great sin when visited by human beings upon one another as it corrupts the doer. We should not be overly concerned with God’s judgment, however, as we are not capable of understanding his methods. Keep your faith strong and trust that there is a purpose for everything.

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Best Fake Friends Quotes That Hit Hard Sat, 15 Jan 2022 22:11:33 +0000 We all have all kinds of friends. Besties, for sure. True blue, too—the ones who will stick with us through thick or thin. We also have friends who fit certain situations, be they social, familial or special occasions where their unique attributes come to the forefront. And then there are those other kinds of friends—fake […]

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We all have all kinds of friends. Besties, for sure. True blue, too—the ones who will stick with us through thick or thin. We also have friends who fit certain situations, be they social, familial or special occasions where their unique attributes come to the forefront. And then there are those other kinds of friends—fake friends. The ones who are deceptive. That who aren’t real. Which who inspire articles like that are full of fake friends quotes, so here’s a collection of this the best of the best when it comes to funny fake friends quotes, so you can at least use your fake friends to get a good laugh every now and then.

Let’s see th Best Fake QuotesConversation pieces

  • Conversation pieces
  • Fake vs Real
  • On Growing Up
  • World Play
  • Philosophical

Best Fake Friends Quotes

Conversation pieces

The best way to tell if someone is a fake friend is if once they stop talking to you, they start talking about you.
It’s kind of funny how you’re always nice to my face, and it’s hilarious when you talk behind my back. And it’s actually quite comical that you think I don’t know that I’m aware of what you’re doing.
  • It’s kind of funny how you’re always nice to my face, and it’s hilarious when you talk behind my back. And it’s actually quite comical that you think I don’t know that I’m aware of what you’re doing.
Only a true friend will tell you the things to your face that your other so-called friends are saying behind your back.
  • Only a true friend will tell you the things to your face that your other so-called friends are saying behind your back.

Fake vs Real

One of the best ways to spot fake people is to notice that they’re only nice to you when it’s convenient for them or it works as part of their hidden agenda. Truly nice people always go out of their way to help others, and you can tell they have an honest heart if they never let you down and always keep their promises. These are things you can’t fake.
  • One of the best ways to spot fake people is to notice that they’re only nice to you when it’s convenient for them or it works as part of their hidden agenda. Truly nice people always go out of their way to help others, and you can tell they have an honest heart if they never let you down and always keep their promises. These are things you can’t fake.
How your friends treat you is how they feel about you, period. Your true friends will treat you well, regardless of the situation. Your fake friends won’t.
  • How your friends treat you is how they feel about you, period. Your true friends will treat you well, regardless of the situation. Your fake friends won’t.
Fake friends behave like ivy—it decays and ruins the walls it embraces. True friendship, on the other hand, gives new life to whatever it supports.
  • Fake friends behave like ivy—it decays and ruins the walls it embraces. True friendship, on the other hand, gives new life to whatever it supports.
If you are tempted to count the number of friends you have, make sure you can actually count on them. Some friends come around when they want something from you, but they are nowhere to be found when the reverse is true and you need something from them.
  • If you are tempted to count the number of friends you have, make sure you can actually count on them. Some friends come around when they want something from you, but they are nowhere to be found when the reverse is true and you need something from them.
Fake friends are the ones who are with you today but turn on you tomorrow. And what they say about you when this happens defines them, not you.
  • Fake friends are the ones who are with you today but turn on you tomorrow. And what they say about you when this happens defines them, not you.

On Growing Up

One of the things we realize as we grow up is that it’s less important to have a lot of friends and way more important to have just a few real ones.
  • One of the things we realize as we grow up is that it’s less important to have a lot of friends and way more important to have just a few real ones.
Another thing that becomes clear as we grow up is realizing that many of your friends aren’t actually your friends.
  • Another thing that becomes clear as we grow up is realizing that many of your friends aren’t actually your friends.

Word Play

In many ways friends are like boobs—some are big, others are small, there are ones that are real, and some are completely fake.
  • In many ways friends are like boobs—some are big, others are small, there are ones that are real, and some are completely fake.
Some people are real, and some people are good. Some people are fake, and then there are people who are real good at being fake.
  • Some people are real, and some people are good. Some people are fake, and then there are people who are real good at being fake.
In a lot of ways fake friends are like autumn leaves, sometimes when you look for them they’re scattered about everywhere.
  • In a lot of ways fake friends are like autumn leaves, sometimes when you look for them they’re scattered about everywhere.


An open enemy is often a better thing to have than a false friend.
  • An open enemy is often a better thing to have than a false friend.
There are times when fake friends resemble shadows. They follow you in the sun but are nowhere to be found when the inevitable darkness follows.
  • There are times when fake friends resemble shadows. They follow you in the sun but are nowhere to be found when the inevitable darkness follows.
Some friends will very much remind you of pennies—they’re two-faced and worthless.
  • Some friends will very much remind you of pennies—they’re two-faced and worthless.
  • One fake friend can often do more damage than ten enemies, and in a shorter period of time as well.
You don’t actually lose true friends, because real friends can never be lost. The people you do lose are masqueradings friends, and most of the time you’re better off for it.
  • You don’t actually lose true friends, because real friends can never be lost. The people you do lose are masqueradings friends, and most of the time you’re better off for it.
One of the saddest things about betrayal is that often it never seems to come from your enemies.
  • One of the saddest things about betrayal is that often it never seems to come from your enemies.
Make sure you always sleep with one eye open, Be diligent and never take anything for granted, for you never know when your best friends are actually your enemies.
  • Make sure you always sleep with one eye open, Be diligent and never take anything for granted, for you never know when your best friends are actually your enemies.
It’s not my job or my purpose to expose the fake. I’ve learned that in due time they almost always manage to expose themselves.
  • It’s not my job or my purpose to expose the fake. I’ve learned that in due time they almost always manage to expose themselves.
Many fake people often hate honesty, for they use lies so that they can feel good about themselves and their lies. When this happens, it’s important to share your true feelings about their actions, and when this happens you will get to watch them fade away.
  • Many fake people often hate honesty, for they use lies so that they can feel good about themselves and their lies. When this happens, it’s important to share your true feelings about their actions, and when this happens you will get to watch them fade away.
People think that being alone is something that makes you lonely, but being surrounded by the wrong people is worse. It’s actually the loneliest thing in the world.
  • People think that being alone is something that makes you lonely, but being surrounded by the wrong people is worse. It’s actually the loneliest thing in the world.
It’s important to pay extremely close attention to the people who don’t clap when you win.
  • It’s important to pay extremely close attention to the people who don’t clap when you win.
Be careful who you trust, for appearances can be deceiving. After all, salt and sugar often look the same.
  • Be careful who you trust, for appearances can be deceiving. After all, salt and sugar often look the same.
It’s natural to fear the enemy who attacks you, but many times the fake friend who hugs you is actually far more dangerous.
  • It’s natural to fear the enemy who attacks you, but many times the fake friend who hugs you is actually far more dangerous.
True friends will never get in your way unless you’re going down. When that happens they will step in and offer a hand to help you get back up.
  • True friends will never get in your way unless you’re going down. When that happens they will step in and offer a hand to help you get back up.
Some friendships are only meant to last for a season. When this is the case, it makes no sense to try to extend them and make them last a lifetime.
  • Some friendships are only meant to last for a season. When this is the case, it makes no sense to try to extend them and make them last a lifetime.
It is almost always better to have an honest enemy than to have to endure a false friend.
  • It is almost always better to have an honest enemy than to have to endure a false friend.
Do whatever you have to do to get rid of false friends as quickly as possible. Make sure to do it before they dig out the dream seeds you’ve planted as part of your friendship. The earlier you do this the better off you will be, and doing it quickly will help you stay safe.
  • Do whatever you have to do to get rid of false friends as quickly as possible. Make sure to do it before they dig out the dream seeds you’ve planted as part of your friendship. The earlier you do this the better off you will be, and doing it quickly will help you stay safe.
It is the great-hearted who know how to be true friends. Those who are mean and cowardly in some measure can never know what true friendship really means.
  • It is the great-hearted who know how to be true friends. Those who are mean and cowardly in some measure can never know what true friendship really means.

The post Best Fake Friends Quotes That Hit Hard appeared first on Decoholic.

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FOPO or Fear Of Other People’s Opinions Thu, 08 Apr 2021 10:11:38 +0000 What is FOPO? You might have heard this acronym before and wonder what does it mean. Well, here´s a little spoiler right away: FOPO stands for Fear Of People´s Opinions. In other words, it is the fear of what people think of you when you do or say something. Although it might feel like a […]

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What is FOPO? You might have heard this acronym before and wonder what does it mean. Well, here´s a little spoiler right away: FOPO stands for Fear Of People´s Opinions. In other words, it is the fear of what people think of you when you do or say something.

Although it might feel like a normal, utterly familiar feeling, it can have a crippling effect on most people. Indeed, refraining from doing something just because you´re afraid of what others might think of you is to circumscribe your world to other people´s ideas of what it should be. That is a recipe for disaster.

Read on, we´ll take a deeper look at this common cultural phenomenon and some ways to stop it from stopping you.


Is FOPO stopping you? Some symptoms to discover it

Let´s make a clear point to start this article with: there are levels of FOPO. This means that it might not always be something that stops you. Indeed, according to Michael Gervais, this response from our brain is deeply rooted in ancient survival mechanisms our brain is wired to. He states that it comes from tribal times in which our social status, our belonging to the tribe, and our physical integrity depended entirely on fitting in with the other members.

To say it in other words, FOPO is a common human response to an ancient problem.

We have come a long way since tribal times but, in the past two decades, social media has added much to the social pressure making people want to “fit in”. Moreover, when fear of social rejection kicks in, we fear we might be kicked out of our trust circle, that people will no longer love us, and that finally, we will be left alone for eternity.

This fear manifests in phrases such as (whether you say or think them)

· “If I do that, people will think I am a…”

· “It´s not the right moment to say that, they will think I´m too… ”

· “It must just be me thinking nonsense again…”

And the list could go on forever. Have you ever thought or said something like that? Chances are, then, you suffer from some level of FOPO.

You might have crippling FOPO if

Now, this becomes a problem when you feel it cripples you and turns you into an impoverished version of yourself. You might refrain when you can talk, abstain when you can do, and lower your head when you could excel. If this is the case, then it is high time you do something about it before it stops you from being the best possible version of yourself.

Be yourself. Everyone else is taken. Oscar Wilde

What can we do about it?

Luckily, although it is hardwired into our brains, many strategies can stop FOPO on the spot. We are going to go through the three most popular answers to the above question, but the list could, again, go on forever. What is more, you can be creative and apply these and new ones to your own version of FOPO.

Dance like nobody´s watching

The first one is the above sentence “dance like nobody´s watching”. It doesn´t necessarily need to apply to dancing, but you can use it as a metaphor to act like there´s nobody around you to judge your actions. This way, you´ll be entirely the way you want to be and not a version of yourself limited by what you think others will think of you.

An example

Let´s say that you are in a creative class and have this amazing idea. Indeed, it is so good that it is a mix between outrageous and amazing. Your FOPO will say “it is a stupid idea; if you say it out loud they will think you´ve gone mad.” If you stop that thought and instead apply the “dance like nobody´s watching” motto, you might just revolutionize the class and make a positive impression as a creative, bold, and interesting person.

Large groups are no place for smart people

Stop your brain, live the moment

Most times it is not the real opinion of others that engages FOPO, but our own version of it. In other words, we do futurology and try to guess what is it that they will say or do if we say or do what we want.

Regardless of how accurate you think this version of the external world is, it is always distorted because we can never know beforehand what´s going to happen. Thus, we should center on the moment and forget about the outcome and their perception of it.

Living in the now forgetting past experiences and refraining from futurology is a great way to fight FOPO.

An example

A great example to show this is what happens within our family. Let´s say you are the youngest of four siblings. You are used to be the one whose opinion never gets heard because of being the youngest. Hence, you internalize this role in the structure and make your brothers and sisters the ultimate judges for your words.

What if you could stop thinking about the past and the future and just speak your mind? That might change their perception of you and open the door to a healthier family relationship.

Ask yourself what the worst and best-case scenario are

Finally, a very common thing with FOPO is taking all consequences to an extreme and thinking it´s the end of the world as we know it. Indeed, some people suffer from such a powerful FOPO that they feel paralyzed not to face the cruelest consequences that cross their minds.

In such a moment, ask yourself “what is the worst-case scenario?” Next, also ask yourself “what is the best-case scenario?” Then, make an adult decision answering the following question “is it worth it to risk the worst-case scenario to reach the best-case scenario?” If the answer is yes, then there you go.

An example

Monday morning, board meeting; you are there for the first time. You notice a mistake in the presentation that can have very harsh results on the company. It is your boss who´s talking. Your FOPO tells you “If you speak up now, she will never trust you again and this shall be your last board meeting”

This is, clearly, the worst-case scenario. So, strategically, ask yourself what´s the best-case scenario. Maybe “she will feel you saved the day and you´ll gain not only her trust but that of the entire team” Is it worth it to risk it? That is the decision you have to make (away from FOPO´s voice).

Why Do People Crave Attention?


Although it is not an overnight endeavor or an easy process, overcoming severe cases of FOPO can be a game-changer. The first step is to acknowledge that it is stopping us from being who we want to be. The second step is to denaturalize its mechanisms and sentences. Finally, you need to fight back every time you have the chance.

Don´t let other people´s opinions (or your idea of what they will be) stop you from living your life to its fullest. You can do this, start fighting FOPO back and live a happier, fuller life starting today.

The post FOPO or Fear Of Other People’s Opinions appeared first on Decoholic.

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